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Call Now To Schedule An Asset Protection Analysis: (800) 231-7112

Asset Protection may ultimately rely on removing assets from the U.S. jurisdiction and away from the control of the clients.

The question often arises: “How can the client be sure that the new foreign Trustee doesn’t run away with my money should I ever need to use the Trust?”

The answer is in the details of how a well-drafted Asset Protection Trust creates internal and external “checks and balances.”

To begin, the plan controls and protects money through:

  1. A legal structure which requires the approval and consent of various parties who act as checks and balances over movement of assets
  2. A physical tracking mechanism set up directly with the client’s chosen bank, which holds the money, so that the client is always aware of the money’s location

The Asset Protection Trust has 4 primary actors:

  1. Settlor (client, also known as Trustor or Grantor)
  2. Trustee
  3. Protector
  4. Beneficiary

Prior to triggering the Bridge Trust®, the client can remain the Settlor, Trustee & Beneficiary, thereby controlling all trust assets. If a legal crisis places client assets at serious risk, the Trust Protector declares an “event of duress” which appoints a new special successor Trustee located offshore to assume legal title over trust property.

When the trust crosses the “Bridge” to a non-U.S. jurisdiction, legal control of assets is maintained through a two-party approval mechanism (like requiring two signatures on a check). The Trustee is responsible for the management of the assets and has legal title, while physical possession of the money is held at an independent and unrelated bank.

For the Trustee to do anything with the money, they must receive consent from the Protector. This includes wiring or otherwise moving the money in any substantive way.

The Protector

The role of Trust Protector is to safeguard trust assets for the benefit of all Beneficiaries, by performing two primary jobs:

  1. To approve of the actions of the Trustee
  2. To remove the Trustee if the Trustee is not acting in the best interests of the Beneficiaries.

This ensures the Trustee does not run off with the money. The next logical question is: Who keeps an eye on the Protector? This is where the loop closes back to the clients themselves.

The Settlors (clients) can remove and replace the Protector for any reason and at any time. The only exception is if they are ordered by a U.S. court to appoint a Protector that will hand over assets to a creditor.  This order cannot be followed.

The only other plausible loophole is if Trustee and Protector conspire together to defraud the Trust. This is highly unlikely because the Trustee is a prominent Trust Company with its own checks and balances and holds a fiduciary duty to the Trust and the Protector is chosen by the client. Nevertheless, the plan has a final safeguard to ensure clients always have full knowledge of the location of the money.

Additional Safeguards

This safeguard is a ‘client acknowledgment’ procedure. The bank, typically a large private international bank chosen by the client, will have a hold period prior to any withdrawal or transfer from the Trust account. This procedure requires the bank to personally confirm with the Beneficiaries (clients) prior to any proposed transfer.

Here, Beneficiaries are not in direct “control” of the money, however, because the bank requires direct verification of the Beneficiaries’ knowledge of transfers, any suspicious transaction will be confirmed with the bank by the Beneficiary-client. This confirmation will delay any activity for enough time to notify the bank of the impropriety and appoint a new Protector, who appoints a new Trustee.

As you can see, the net effect makes it virtually impossible to move with Trust assets without the client’s direct knowledge and consent. This combined with L&L’s use of the most stable and reputable institutions places your Bridge Trust® assets in a place most would agree is safer than the local bank down the street.

The difference is that the bank down the street is subject to the U.S. court at the end of the street. And right in the middle is the all-too familiar plaintiff lawyer, which is where all the trouble began in the first place.

Taking control of your own financial, estate and asset protection planning is critical to your peace of mind. Let us help you gain that peace of mind.

Please call 800.231.7112 to schedule an Asset Protection Analysis.

One of The Nation's Leading Asset Protection Attorneys

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Pashmina Lalchandani

CEO & Co-Founder, Bar & Cocoa / Owner, Flow Simple
December 9, 2010, Douglass was a client of Pashmina’s

I’ve known Doug in many contexts, as a friend, as a client and as a business partner and he impresses me on all levels. He’s dependable, smart, generous and I wouldn’t hesitate recommending him and his law firm to anyone.
He’s the best and most ethical lawyers providing asset protection with rock solid strategies to give you peace of mind about your wealth. Straight forward, and straight talk. Doug is exactly the lawyer I want on my side. If I send someone to Doug, I know they’ll thank me for it!

Social & Solar Entrepreneur, Pan Afrikan Theorist, Translator/Interpreter,
Founder & Visionary Leader @ Afrikanpride.
March 12, 2011, Marlon E. D. J. worked with Douglass but at different companies

Doug is one of the most powerful thinker i have came across. During the short time that i have known Doug he has been a great source of inspiration. He has a simplistic yet effective and accurate way to analyze anything you bring to his attention, and then by asking you key questions he gets you to see the light at the end of the tunnel. Besides being extremely bright, he is a genuine and caring individual which is why I feel fortunate to know him. I can say without a doubt that he his the person you would want to talk to if you were in need of a person with his expertise.
Most of the lawyers out there will probably meet your needs, but if you are looking for someone to exceed your expectations and give you that wow factor, look no more he is the person for the job.

Patricia Salter

Associate Dentist at Smileology
December 1, 2010, Patricia was a client of Douglass’

I have been a client of Douglas Lodmell’s since 2001. My main concern was asset protection in this litigious society. I can sleep alot better at night knowing I have the instruments in place to protect the fruits of my labor, and that they will not end up in the hands of a slick trial attorney.

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