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You business can be your greatest asset or it can be your greatest liability, depending on how you manage it from an administrative perspective. Despite the fact that judges can and often do disregard the corporate veil, there are specific actions you can take to ensure that you’re taking full advantage of asset protection laws and minimizing your exposure before going offshore.

Asset Protection Law

Asset protection law is not a finite area of law. To take full advantage of asset protection opportunities, one must make use of corporate, estate, trust, and employment laws, to name a few. With respect to corporate law and the issue of choosing a business entity, one major risk is that a court could “pierce the corporate veil” and pursue individual partners, shareholders, or members to satisfy creditors.

To fully understand this concept, we must draw a distinction between inside and outside liabilities. For purposes of this discussion, inside liabilities consist of those liabilities directly incurred by a business entity and for which the business entity alone should be responsible, in theory. Outside liabilities are those incurred by individual members, partners, or shareholders outside of the guise of corporate action.

Corporate Laws That Protect Your Business

In theory, corporate asset protection law protects shareholders, partners, and members of business entities from creditor claims vis-à-vis inside liabilities.  In other words, inside liability creditors should only be permitted to look to the assets of the business entity to satisfy their claims. Thus, one might conclude that having a limited number of assets in any particular business entity is an easy way to take full advantage of domestic asset protection laws.  Unfortunately, undercapitalization (and yes, the concept is as amorphous as it sounds) is a factor that courts can consider when deciding to pierce the corporate veil—when deciding whether it is “appropriate” to look to the assets of individual shareholders, members, or partners to satisfy corporate obligations.

Although veil piercing laws vary according to jurisdiction, there are a few things you can do now to minimize the chance that a court will see through the corporation in the event that your business is sued:

  1. Make sure that your business entity is properly formed with the appropriate organizational and operational governing documents. If your business is formed in a state other than the state where it primarily operates, check with an attorney as to whether your business needs to be qualified in the states where it has a presence.
  2. Document business transactions and keep records of internal business meetings. Always use the name of your business entity (and not your name) when transacting business and in advertising (unless you are a professional such as doctor, dentist, chiropractor, lawyer, etc.).
  3. Maintain a separate checking account for your business and have title to all business assets.  Treat your business as if it is a separate person with a desire to maintain its own autonomy and not as an alter-ego of yourself.

In addition to maximizing the effect of asset protection laws, business owners should consider and buy all the insurance they can afford after a reasoned cost-benefit analysis.  Such insurance should include general liability, professional liability (errors & omissions or malpractice), officer and director, workers compensation, and property damage.

If you have been a business owner for any amount of time, you have probably heard all of the above advice a number of times, but it is important enough of an issue to be revisited from time to time to ensure that proper systems are in place.  It’s the only way to ensure that you are fully leveraging asset protection laws in your favor.

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Pashmina Lalchandani

CEO & Co-Founder, Bar & Cocoa / Owner, Flow Simple
December 9, 2010, Douglass was a client of Pashmina’s

I’ve known Doug in many contexts, as a friend, as a client and as a business partner and he impresses me on all levels. He’s dependable, smart, generous and I wouldn’t hesitate recommending him and his law firm to anyone.
He’s the best and most ethical lawyers providing asset protection with rock solid strategies to give you peace of mind about your wealth. Straight forward, and straight talk. Doug is exactly the lawyer I want on my side. If I send someone to Doug, I know they’ll thank me for it!

Social & Solar Entrepreneur, Pan Afrikan Theorist, Translator/Interpreter,
Founder & Visionary Leader @ Afrikanpride.
March 12, 2011, Marlon E. D. J. worked with Douglass but at different companies

Doug is one of the most powerful thinker i have came across. During the short time that i have known Doug he has been a great source of inspiration. He has a simplistic yet effective and accurate way to analyze anything you bring to his attention, and then by asking you key questions he gets you to see the light at the end of the tunnel. Besides being extremely bright, he is a genuine and caring individual which is why I feel fortunate to know him. I can say without a doubt that he his the person you would want to talk to if you were in need of a person with his expertise.
Most of the lawyers out there will probably meet your needs, but if you are looking for someone to exceed your expectations and give you that wow factor, look no more he is the person for the job.

Patricia Salter

Associate Dentist at Smileology
December 1, 2010, Patricia was a client of Douglass’

I have been a client of Douglas Lodmell’s since 2001. My main concern was asset protection in this litigious society. I can sleep alot better at night knowing I have the instruments in place to protect the fruits of my labor, and that they will not end up in the hands of a slick trial attorney.

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