In your search for wealth preservation advice, you’ve probably come across both asset protection specialists as well as attorneys. Since it is your wealth at stake here, it is important that you seriously consider the level of training, skill and experience any advisor has before you trust them to protect your wealth.
The biggest difference between a so-called “asset protection specialist” and an asset protection attorney is that the former does not have a law degree that can back up the advice he doles out. Unfortunately, anyone who has access to the Internet these days, can turn himself into a “specialist” or “expert” in just a matter of days. There is anonymity on the web, and as asset protection attorneys, it has been disturbing for us to see unqualified, so-called “advisors” jumping on the bandwagon to offer “wealth preservation” advice for clients. An asset protection attorney, on the other hand, has the law degree and the legal background it takes to develop the right asset protection strategies to meet your goals.
Besides, an asset protection attorney will frequently update himself on tax laws and other legal developments which might affect your planning. Attorneys also choose to educate themselves constantly through continuing legal education programs. As asset protection attorneys, for instance, we frequently take part in conferences and seminars, sharing knowledge and experiences with others in the fraternity, and learning about new developments that might affect our clients’ offshore asset protection program.
As asset protection lawyers, we’re frequently relied on by the industry for advice and insight, but you won’t find anyone looking to an ”asset protection expert” for the same. An adviser who comes with a law degree can ensure that your asset protection program is not just watertight, but is fully compliant with the laws of the land, thereby making certain that your assets are completely and legally protected. As experienced asset protection law firm, we have many clients that rely on our services. Our attorneys also regularly lecture and teach other attorneys about asset protection.
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