Understanding the Asset Protection Benefits of an LLC
What is an LLC? LLC is the abbreviation for "Limited Liability Company". The LLC is basically an upgrade to the C-corporation, and its baby brother the S-Corp. Prior to the LLC small businesses basically had to subject themselves to the double taxation of the C-corporation, or make an S-Corp election…
Protecting your Qualified Plans using Offshore Planning
The First Challenge Protecting qualified retirement plans has always been a challenge for Asset Protection Planners. First of all, in many cases, these assets are already well protected. For example, assets placed in plans authorized by the Employee Retirement and Security Act of 1974 ("ERISA") have clear Supreme Court protection…
2016 Client Update Webinar
Presented by Lodmell & Lodmell, PC and Asset Protection Council TM Protecting Wealth Douglass Lodmell the Managing Partner had a live webinar for all of Lodmell & Lodmell clients to go over the 2016 Client Update on October 29, 2015. This live webinar was about Asset Protection planning, starting at the…
Asset Protection, Fraudulent Transfers, and a 20-Year Statute of Limitations!
Florida Courts Extend Statute of Limitations for Fraudulent Transfers up to 20 Years! In a recent Florida appeals case (Biel Reo v. Barefoot Cottages Development, 2014) two debtors defaulted on a loan and shortly thereafter transferred millions to irrevocable trusts naming their wives as trustees. The creditor obtained a judgment and…
Doug Interviewed by John Bowen
John Bowen is a nationally recognized entrepreneurial coach and this is a great interview with Douglass Lodmell. This is a unique opportunity to get to know a little more about how Doug and his family actually built the Asset Protection Law Firm. Click Here to see the full interview
“All In” in Puerto Rico
Puerto Rico is continuing to get attention and interest from serious people. This is an interesting clip from Bloomberg TV.
Do I need Asset Protection with my Act 20 & Act 22 status in Puerto Rico?
Act 20 & Act 22 have the potential to have a huge impact on Puerto Rico by attracting the right kind of investment and residents. If you are already in the process of filing your Act 20 or 22 petition, then you already know how beneficial this can be to…
Is Puerto Rico the New Tax Haven for Americans?
The short answer is YES! For 20 years I have been advising clients that setting up sketchy offshore tax schemes is not in their best interest. I have often said: “If there was a real offshore tax plan that worked, I would be doing it” Well as of 2012 when…