Bloomberg Sheds Light on Asset Protection
Attorney and legal columnist Deborah L. Jacobs promotes asset protection in the March 2005 issue of the Bloomberg Wealth Management Magazine. As she observes, "Once regarded as a shady practice, using asset-protection tools like offshore trusts to deter creditors is now considered essential to effective estate planning." Her article "Going…
Does Tenancy By Entirety Work?
If the state I live in has “Tenancy By a surviving spouse may be unable to disclaim the interest of the decedent. The Entirety”, why do I need an Asset Protection Trust (APT)? “Tenancy By The Entirety” has been in existence for several years now. However, some attorneys may be…
How to Disaster-Proof your Financial Records
Contributed by Rosie Cisneros You may need to rebuild your financial life someday. Natural disasters such as tornados and earthquakes can cause widespread destruction and put entire cities and businesses out of commission in the blink of an eye. Even more commonplace disasters, such as house fires, can be devastating…
How to protect your home from potential lawsuits
Contributed by Rosie Cisneros Few homeowners are aware of the legal implications involved in something as simple as paying a neighbor's kid to clean out the gutters or letting children shovel a driveway for a couple bucks. And when it comes to independent contractors that work on hazardous tasks such…
Doctors take off gloves to fight Medical Malpractice Battles
Contributed by Rosie Cisneros On June 13, 2004, USA Today reported that hospital administrators and doctors across the nation have begun "striking back against lawyers with hardball tactics that, in some cases, are raising ethical questions." According to the USA Today news story, "Some doctors are refusing to treat lawyers,…
Wall Street Journal Discusses Asset Protection Services
If you're an avid reader of the Wall Street Journal, then undoubtedly you read two recent articles promoting the benefits of services offered at Lodmell & Lodmell. In the Tuesday, October 14, 2003 Wall Street Journal issue, the article, "Litigation Boom Spurs Efforts to Shield Assets" was published. The article…
Don’t Break Any Hearts or Get Sued
Contributed by Rosie Cisneros WEST POINT, Miss. Another man stole his wife's heart, so Albert Holcombe, Jr. sued. And, the jury said his broken heart is worth $175,000. Harry Stevens was ordered by a jury in Mississippi to pay $175,000 for breaking up the marriage. Holcombe claimed Stevens had an…