Top 3 Wealth Preservation Issues Update 2010
Over the past 2 years I have posted dozens of videos on the subject of Asset Protection, and several related topics. And in all those videos I have gotten more feedback on a single video done in 2008 titled "The Top 3 Wealth Preservation Issues 2008". If you recall that…
Asset Protection for Landlords with Tenants
Asset Protection applies to anyone who has assets they really want to keep. However, for some professions the attorneys consider it a bit more important than others. Of course we would include the usual suspects like doctors and medical professionals, as well as builders and absolutely anyone with employees. But there…
The Challenge of Fear
I am going to share a story with you that it very personal for me; however, the message is so critical that I believe it is valuable for me to do so. Yesterday my son, Aslan, came home from visiting his aunt, uncle and cousins who live in Buenos Aires…
Asset Protection Using an Irrevocable Trust?
Do Irrevocable Trusts Really Protect You? This is now officially QUESTION #1 coming in from visitors to my website! Apparently the new word on the street is that if you are in trouble and want to protect your assets, just give them all away! And better yet, give them away…
The Uses of The Limited Liability Limited Partnership (LLLP)
What is an LLLP? Everything evolves, even legal concepts and tools. And the Limited Liability Limited Partnership (LLLP) is an example of one such evolution. So what is this new animal? Well if you already understand what a Limited Partnership (LP) and a Limited Liability Company (LLC) are, then understanding the LLLP…
Asset Protection in Divorce
Can Asset Protection be used to protect assets from your spouse in a divorce? As you might imagine, I get this question all the time! The answer is - it depends. Generally asset protection refers to situations where individuals or married couples are seeking to protect their assets and property…
Irrevocable or Revocable, What’s the Difference?
One of the most common questions I get asked is: What is the difference between revocable and irrevocable? In my world, most people are referring to "Trusts" or other estate planning vehicles. And the it can be confusing, especially with so many terms floating around the Internet like; Revocable Living…
Venice and the Power of Giving
So what does Venice have to do with the Power of Giving? Well for me it is where I decided to pass on something I think is really cool, and share this beautiful photo. For the kids that are going to receive it means that they may just get to…